How might our homes adapt to poor air?
‘My house is ill!’ is a speculative exhibit that invites you to a home adapting to persistent air pollution in Delhi.
Housed within an apartment in Khirki village, the project exists at the intersection of architecture, new media and ecology to study air pollution micro-climates within indoor environments and investigate patterns that are otherwise unseen.
Housed within an apartment in Khirki village, the project exists at the intersection of architecture, new media and ecology to study air pollution micro-climates within indoor environments and investigate patterns that are otherwise unseen.
The project formed a part of ‘Does the Blue Sky Lie: Testimonies around Air’ program by KHOJ — supported by Prince Claus Fund.
Abhimanyu Singhal
Depanshu Gola
Salil Parekh
Dhruv Singhal / Production
Ketan Dua / Sound Design
Ashima Mittal / Participant Research
Pranav Gohil / Documentation
Archita Goyal / Illustration
Supported by
Khoj Studios
Prince Claus Fund
4 months
Time active
27 April — 28 May 2022
Abhimanyu Singhal
Depanshu Gola
Salil Parekh
Dhruv Singhal / Production
Ketan Dua / Sound Design
Ashima Mittal / Participant Research
Pranav Gohil / Documentation
Archita Goyal / Illustration
Supported by
Khoj Studios
Prince Claus Fund
4 months
Time active
27 April — 28 May 2022

The context of extreme air pollution in Delhi does not require speculation or extrapolation, the city has a history of poor air owing to its density and geographical disadvantage.
‘My house is ill’ imagines a future where the impact of air pollution breaches further into everyday life and routine — where homes start to intensively monitor and visualise pollution data and offer occupants advice on where to be and how to be safe.
The context of extreme air pollution in Delhi does not require speculation or extrapolation, the city has a history of poor air owing to its density and geographical disadvantage.
‘My house is ill’ imagines a future where the impact of air pollution breaches further into everyday life and routine — where homes start to intensively monitor and visualise pollution data and offer occupants advice on where to be and how to be safe.

The interventions in the apartment drew from our experiments in the Khirki Test Lab (link to project page︎︎︎). The lab attempted to understand how air moves around within a house; how pollution resides in indoor and outdoor spaces; and how this information could be recorded and shared effectively.
The interventions in the apartment drew from our experiments in the Khirki Test Lab (link to project page︎︎︎). The lab attempted to understand how air moves around within a house; how pollution resides in indoor and outdoor spaces; and how this information could be recorded and shared effectively.

A house that talks
A message ticker running across the living room greets visitors upon entry. The house seems to speak to the occupant, asking them how they are doing and making conversation.
The ticker-system is connected to a network of particle-sensors around the house that share health status of different spaces and offer real-time notifications and recommendations on how the air quality microclimate is changing inside the house, and how it compares to the levels on the street outside.
If your house could speak, what would it say?
A message ticker running across the living room greets visitors upon entry. The house seems to speak to the occupant, asking them how they are doing and making conversation.
The ticker-system is connected to a network of particle-sensors around the house that share health status of different spaces and offer real-time notifications and recommendations on how the air quality microclimate is changing inside the house, and how it compares to the levels on the street outside.
Flipping the invisibility
Which room is the safest to occupy?
Each room in the apartment reflects the real-time pollution levels in the colour spectrum from blue to red (indicating low to high particulate matter presence respectively). The colour of lighting in the house reflects the safety levels of different spaces allowing the occupants to navigate the air pollution microclimates within the house.
Which room is the safest to occupy?
Each room in the apartment reflects the real-time pollution levels in the colour spectrum from blue to red (indicating low to high particulate matter presence respectively). The colour of lighting in the house reflects the safety levels of different spaces allowing the occupants to navigate the air pollution microclimates within the house.

Sound design
An ambient soundtrack plays in the house as an aural reminder of what is otherwise invisible. As the pollution levels of the house intensify, the house beeps louder.
An ambient soundtrack plays in the house as an aural reminder of what is otherwise invisible. As the pollution levels of the house intensify, the house beeps louder.
What if?
The project acts as a speculation of how our homes could evolve in the near future. What happens to windows when air outdoors isn’t fresh anymore?
A peek into the future
The project acts as a speculation of how our homes could evolve in the near future. What happens to windows when air outdoors isn’t fresh anymore?
The demonstration emerged as effective prompts for visitors to think and talk about how they perceive and deal with pollution in their own homes. Myths were busted, learnings shared and more questions followed.
The project raises questions to visiting audiences through exhibits utilising mediums of light, sound and messaging. When is information helpful and when does it become overwhelming?
An altered living experience
The demonstration emerged as effective prompts for visitors to think and talk about how they perceive and deal with pollution in their own homes. Myths were busted, learnings shared and more questions followed.
We set out to make the invisible, visible. One of the primary reasons we're unable to truly comprehend how polluted our air is our inability to understand how air works.
Salil Parekh ︎︎︎
The project raises questions to visiting audiences through exhibits utilising mediums of light, sound and messaging. When is information helpful and when does it become overwhelming?

End notes
A big thank you to Prince Claus Fund and the team at Khoj for the opportunity, support and guidance in the project. The project formed a part of the ‘Does the Blue Sky Lie’ project by Khoj Studios. Link︎︎︎ ︎
The project also formed an opportunity to work with good friend, Salil Parekh. Check out his work at the intersection of design and technology here︎︎︎.
The project also formed an opportunity to work with good friend, Salil Parekh. Check out his work at the intersection of design and technology here︎︎︎.